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It will take around a day to get chloridetest results. The time duration can also vary depending on the laboratory processing the test.
If your chloride levels are abnormal, it doesn't always mean you're suffering from a health issue that needs treatment. Many things like losing fluid, drinking too much fluid, diarrhoea, or vomiting can affect your chloride levels. Also, certain medicines like antacids can lead to abnormal results.
You may experience a bruise at the blood draw site after the chloride test. Few people may also experience light-headedness or pain after this test. Inform your healthcare provider if these symptoms don't resolve on their own after a few hours of the test.
Certain medications like ammonium chloride, cortisone, oestrogen, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen can increase chloride levels.
Other names - Cl test, serum chloride test or as a part of Electrolytes ( includes sodium, potassium & chloride.