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C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Quantitative

C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Quantitative

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C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Quantitative Test

The Quantitative CRP test measures the amount of CRP in your blood and is an important tool for diagnosing health issues. It helps identify, track, and manage inflammatory conditions quickly. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a key indicator in medicine that shows the level of inflammation. When there's inflammation, the liver produces CRP, causing its levels in the bloodstream to rise rapidly. This makes CRP a reliable marker for assessing how severe the inflammation is. The Quantitative CRP test provides a numerical value, allowing healthcare professionals to measure the extent of inflammation and monitor changes over time.

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C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Quantitative

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C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Quantitative Test can be used as a marker of active inflammation in various medical conditions, including Infections, cancer, Diabetes Mellitus, asthma, allergic reaction, connective tissue diseases, Cardiovascular atherosclerotic disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and Pancreatitis. Your healthcare provider may also request this test to detect celiac disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, viral infections and vascular diseases like vasculitis and aortic aneurysm.

C-Reactive Protein is measure in milligrams per liter (mg/L). Normal CRP level is below 10 mg/L. Range values vary depending on the lab doing the test. Higher than normal CRP levels indicate an inflammation that may be caused by trauma, an infection, cancers, auto-immune diseases, etc. CRP should be used in conjunction with other tests to reach a specific etiological diagnosis. CRP levels need to be monitored at regular intervals to monitor response to treatment and determine flare-ups in various types of chronic inflammatory conditions. In addition, people with greater than 3 mg per litre CRP levels are in the high-risk category for cardiovascular diseases.

A balanced diet, regular exercise, and smoking cessation can help in reducing high C-Reactive Protein levels. You should also limit the consumption of alcohol and ensure that you're not suffering from a deficiency of vitamins. The use of aspirin in patients with elevated CRP and cardiovascular diseases is successful in reducing CRP levels and cardiovascular risk. Cholesterol-lowering medications like statins can also reduce CRP levels in people having high cholesterol. Sometimes fall in CRP levels can be seen even without any improvement in cholesterol levels.

CRP levels can be measured by analyzing your blood sample. In some cases, your healthcare provider may order a high-sensitivity CRP test for the accurate measurement of CRP levels. Usually, they do so if they suspect that there is a risk of another health issue like heart disease. Conditions like pregnancy, smoke inhalation and minor colds can cause minor CRP elevation. Moderate elevation can be an indication of an inflammatory condition like auto-immune disease or RA. Severe and marked elevations can be the result of serious trauma and acute infections.

C-Reactive protein (CRP) is an acute phase reactant, which is produced predominantly by liver cells under the influence of markers of inflammation, like Interleukins and Tumour Necrosis Factor. There is association of high CRP levels with atherosclerosis and future risk of heart attacks. It plays a vital role in recognizing and clearing damaged cells and foreign pathogens by binding to phosphocholine, chromatin, phospholipids, histone, and fibronectin. CRP is measured in milligrams per litre of blood. High CRP levels in the blood may be an indication of chronic inflammation due to various health problems, like auto-immune conditions, cancer, obesity, infection, or heart disease. Trauma can also lead to elevations in CRP.

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