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Fungal Infection Fears? Beat Mucormycosis with These Mind-Blowing Treatments

Dr. Rahul Verma 492 Views
Published: 01 Aug 2024
Updated: 25 Oct 2024

Mucormycosis, commonly called the ‘black fungus,’ is a rare but serious infection in humans resulting from moulds. These moulds are common in the environment, mainly in the soil, decomposing leaves, and composts. Mucormycosis is an infection particularly targeting those with compromised immune systems which include diabetics, cancer patients, and those with organ transplants. The infection can quickly advance and inflict substantial tissue/organ injuries. It can also be lethal if left untreated.

Over the years, mucormycosis has become prominent, especially in COVID-19 patients who received prolonged steroid treatment. Therefore, it is essential to understand this infection since the earlier the diagnosis, the better the chances of treatment and recovery.

In this blog, we will explore how to recognise mucormycosis, what causes it, the tests that can be done to diagnose it, and the impressive ways to treat it.

What are the Symptoms of Mucormycosis?

Though mucormycosis is a rare infection, it is imperative to identify its signs early enough to ensure that patients receive proper care. The infection can affect different body parts, including the sinuses, brain, and lungs, leading to various nonspecific symptoms. This includes headache, confusion, stupor, seizures, or neck stiffness.

Watch out for these common symptoms:

  • Facial swelling
  • Nasal congestion
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Vision problems: Visual abnormalities such as blurring of the vision or double vision

What Causes Mucormycosis Disease?

Mucormycosis is an infection by fungi belonging to the Mucoraceae family commonly known as mucormycetes. It may be contracted through respiratory means. You can get mucormycosis by breathing in the spores, eating contaminated food, or getting spores in cuts or wounds.

Conditions that increase the risk of mucormycosis disease include:

  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Organ transplants
  • Long-term use of steroids
  • Severe burns or wounds

How is Mucormycosis Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of mucormycosis disease is crucial in its treatment. The diagnosis process usually involves several steps:

  • Physical Examination: A doctor will physically examine you to determine the extent of the infection. They manually check for visible signs of the infection, such as facial swelling and black lesions.
  • Imaging Tests: Certain tests like a CT or MRI help determine where the infection is and whether it is localised or has spread.
  • Laboratory Tests: A tissue biopsy and a fungal culture are diagnostic tools used to authenticate the presence of the moulds.
  • Blood Tests: The haematological analysis can help understand the severity of the infection, as well as the immunological condition of the patient.
  • Endoscopic Examination: If a person has mucormycosis symptoms of sinusitis, a doctor may perform endoscopy to view the nasal passages and sinuses.

Mucormycosis Management and Treatment

The management of mucormycosis disease is not simple and requires the use of several approaches. Here are some of the most effective mucormycosis treatment options:

  • Antifungal Medications: This is supplemented with drugs, such as amphotericin B, posaconazole, etc. These drugs assist in eradicating the fungus and preventing the infection as well.
  • Surgery: Surgical invention may be needed to remove infected and dead tissues. This can prevent the fungus from spreading or establishing firm roots in the infected areas.
  • Managing Underlying Conditions: It is important to control conditions that weaken the immune system, like diabetes. This involves monitoring blood glucose levels and minimising the usage of steroids.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: This treatment involves administering high-pressure oxygen in a chamber. It can help kill the fungus and promote healing.
  • Iron Chelation Therapy: It states that decreasing iron levels within the body can assist as the fungus feeds on iron.
  • Immune Boosting Therapies: Supporting the immune system through vitamins and other supple­ments and modifying the patient’s lifestyle can facilitate re­covery.


Mucormycosis is an invasive and often life-threatening fungal disease in which the fungus invades blood vessels and other tissues. To fight mucormycosis effectively, keep yourself and your loved ones informed and alert about mucormycosis symptoms and treatment.

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