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How to Protect Yourself Against Corona Virus?

Pathkind Team 1905 Views
Published: 15 Apr 2020
Updated: 13 Oct 2023
protect yourself against corona virus

The COVID-19 corona virus outbreak is considered as a pandemic, an illness that spreads virus from person to person via coughing, sneezing or exposure to droplets of saliva containing the virus. Since the outbreak of this virus in December, it is spreading rapidly across the whole world causing deathly effects. It is important to understand the effects of corona virus and know the measures to prevent it. The best way to prevent corona virus is to avoid being exposed to the virus.

We have jotted down some important protective and preventive measures that you should follow against COVID-19 (Corona virus) to remain safe:

Wash your hands as often as possible

Make sure that you frequently wash your hands with a disinfectant or alcohol-based hand wash or at-least soap and water for minimum 20 seconds to ensure that the virus (if any) present on your hands gets killed or drained away.

Wear masks when you step out of the house

To avoid any kind of contact with the virus, make sure that you wear masks when you step out the house. Wearing a mask prevents the chances of you inhaling any kind of virus from the atmosphere around.

Stay indoors and maintain social distance

COVID-19 mostly spreads through human contact i.e. if some having the virus sneezes, coughs or is near you. When a person having corona virus sneezes or coughs near you, they release virus into the air which you might inhale. Hence one of the important precautionary measure is to maintain at-least 3 feet distance from people.

Avoid excessive touching when it comes to eyes, nose and mouth

Our hands come in contact with many surfaces throughout the day. You never know one of the things you touched might be contaminated with virus. If you touch these same hands having virus to your face, the virus may get transferred to your eyes, nose or mouth. To prevent touching your face, you can also resort to hand gloves.

Resort to safe respiratory hygiene practices

You have to make sure that along with yourself you keep people around you safe too. This can be achieved by practicing healthy respiratory hygiene manners. Make sure that you cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or closed elbow while coughing or sneezing. Avoid spitting in public and maintain distance.

Avoid Travelling

Be it for work or any important purpose, make sure that you avoid travelling as much as possible. Even if you are travelling avoid public transportation or vehicles that are crowded. Travelling means coming in contact with people and that should be avoided to prevent the spread of corona virus.

If you experience slightest of symptoms, seek medical attention

If you have cold, cough, fever or difficulty in breathing, make sure that you show a doctor immediately. If you are not feeling well, stay indoors. Seeking medical help at right time will avoid any further complications.

Stay informed

News about COVID 19 (Corona virus) I spreading like rage. But you should make sure that you are exposed to right information. Follow the advice given by your healthcare provider or public health authority as they have up-to-date information.

WHO (World Health Organization) has declared COVID 19 or spread of corona virus as pandemic. It is natural that people may feel sad, worried and stress during such crisis. At such times, it is always best to talk with people you trust. Make sure you follow the Government’s order to quarantine (stay in isolation i.e. at home for 14 days). While at home, follow healthy lifestyle practice and healthy food habits. Make sure that you read the facts and information from trusted source rather that believing the rumours. During such crisis it is important for one to stay Safe, Smart and be Supportive.

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