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Stress and Hair Fall: Unraveling the Link

Dr. Rahul Verma 1983 Views
Published: 18 Oct 2023
Updated: 18 Jan 2024
Stress and Hair Fall


Did you know that hair loss due to stress, an unavoidable part of life, can significantly impact the health of your hair? Hair loss resulting from stress is a common concern experienced by both men and women. This blog piece will explore the intricate relationship between stress and hair fall. We'll unravel how chronic stress can disrupt the follicles of hair, leading to a state known as telogen effluvium, characterized by excessive shedding of resting (telogen) hair. Typically, a person's scalp houses 85% of hair in the growth phase (anagen) and 15% in the resting phase (telogen). However, stress can push up to 70% of anagen hair into the telogen phase, ultimately contributing to hair loss. Additionally, we will share valuable insights into stress management techniques that can help mitigate hair loss.

The Stress-Hair Loss Connection

Telogen effluvium, also known as stress-related hair loss, occurs when a significant portion of your hair enters the resting stage of its development cycle earlier than necessary. The more hair that falls out because of this move, the thinner your hair will appear over time. Let's explore how stress impacts your hair in more detail:

  1. Telogen Effluvium: How It Works

    Your body responds to stress by going into "fight or flight" mode, which deals with challenging circumstances—one of the stress hormones known as Cortisol is released because of this reaction. High cortisol levels disrupt the natural growth cycle of your hair.

    The anagen phase, during which 85% of your hair typically grows, is distinguished from the telogen phase, during which 15% rest. Cortisol, however, sends more hair follicles to enter the resting phase too soon when stress strikes. This abrupt stress-related hair thinning change results in a lot of hair loss, which over time causes thinning to become apparent.

  2. Stress Messes with Hormones

    Your hormones, especially those that impact your hair, might be messed up by stress. Androgens, which are male hormones present in both men and women, may rise due to hair fall reasons. Your hair may suffer significantly because of these hormonal changes.

    Male and female pattern baldness, a disorder known as androgenetic alopecia, is one effect of this hormonal issue. Androgens can cause hair follicles to constrict and create finer, shorter hairs. Your hair may eventually appear less thick and thinner due to this procedure.

  3. Blood Flow to the Scalp Suffers

    Even the way your scalp's blood flows might be impacted by long-term stress. Think of the blood as a transportation route for the nutrients and oxygen your hair requires to flourish. Stress can constrict your scalp's blood vessels, making it difficult for these vital substances to reach your hair follicles. Your hair may weaken and become more prone to breaking if you don't get enough of these resources.

Stress Management Techniques to Prevent Hair Fall

Given that, we now know how hair loss is due to stress. Let's look at some helpful stress-reduction strategies to stop hair loss:

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Stress hair loss female can negatively affect your hair, but you can significantly lessen its effects by incorporating relaxing techniques into your daily routine. Consider these relaxing techniques:

  • Spend a short amount of time each day working on your deep breathing exercise. As you inhale deeply through your nose and fill your lungs, let your stomach rise. With each breath, carefully exhale through your mouth, relaxing your muscles

  • Through meditation, you may calm your rushing thoughts and focus your mind. Daily meditation for 10 to 15 minutes can help reduce cortisol levels and foster calm.

  • Yoga blends physical postures with mindfulness practices and breathing techniques. Regular exercise can enhance flexibility and general well-being in addition to reducing stress.

Prioritize Adequate Sleep

The key to reducing stress and maintaining general wellness is getting good sleep. Stress levels might rise, and hair loss can become more severe due to inadequate sleep. How to prioritize sleep is as follows:

  • Establish a Schedule for sleep: Every day, especially on the weekends, try to get up and go to bed simultaneously. This aids in regulating the biological clock in your body.

  • Establish a peaceful bedtime routine: Before bed, unwind with tranquil pursuits like reading, having a warm bath, or engaging in relaxation techniques.

  • Establish a Comfortable Sleep Environment: Ensure your bedroom is calm, quiet, and dark. Invest in a soft mattress and pillows to get a good night's sleep.

Constantly Eat Balanced Meals

For good hair development and stress control, a proper diet is essential. Numerous nutrients are necessary for the health of your hair follicles. Observe the following:

  • Consume a range of foods that provide vitamins, minerals, and proteins necessary for a balanced diet. Include lean meats, whole grains, nuts, and leafy greens.
  • Dehydration can lead to higher stress levels and compromised hair health. To keep hydrated, sip on enough water throughout the day.
  • Before taking any supplements, speak with a doctor. However, some people could gain from taking biotin, zinc, and vitamin D supplements to increase the health of their hair.

Regular Exercise

Exercise may benefit your hair follicles and is a great way to manage stress naturally. How to include exercise in your routine is as follows:

  • Select a hobby you enjoy: To develop a lasting fitness habit, pick an activity you love, whether it's brisk walking, cycling, dancing, or yoga.

  • Set realistic objectives: To avoid overexertion, start with modest goals and gradually increase your workout time and intensity.

  • Put Consistency First: Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity for stress relief and healthy hair most days of the week.

Seek Support

Seeking help is a critical first step in adequately managing chronic stress since dealing with it may be overwhelming. Here's how to ask for assistance:

  • Speak to Reliable People: Discuss your concerns and feelings with friends and relatives. Emotional relief might result from talking about your worries.

  • Think about Expert Help: If your stress is intense and chronic, you should speak with a therapist or mental health expert. They can offer helpful coping mechanisms to deal with stress and its effects on your hair and general health.

Chronic Stress and Its Effect on Hair Follicles

Hair follicles can experience severe and long-lasting damage from chronic stress:

  1. The reduction in size of hair follicles

    Hair follicles may become smaller after exposure to high-stress levels over an extended period. As a result, hair gets thinner and shorter over time, eventually falling out permanently if left untreated.

  2. Inflammatory Response

    Prolonged stress can cause the body to become inflamed, resulting in disorders like alopecia areata. This autoimmune condition causes abrupt hair loss in tiny, circular regions due to the immune system attacking hair follicles.

  3. An early greying

    Stress may also be a factor in hair that greys too soon. While genetics play a part, severe stress can hasten greying by reducing the number of melanin cells.


So, we got to know the link between stress and hair fall in this blog piece. It's important for both males and females to control their stress efficiently with comprehensive approaches for healthy hair. Take bold steps to control your stress for a healthier body.

Key Highlights:

  • Stress can majorly contribute to hair fall by disrupting the hair growth cycle.
  • Hair health may be improved by controlling stress using relaxation techniques and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Chronic stress may lead to long-term damage to hair follicles and premature graying.
  • Addressing stress and establishing appropriate hair care practices are part of a comprehensive approach to hair care.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Can traumatic events or other forms of acute stress also cause hair loss?

    Answer:- Yes, extreme stress, particularly traumatic events, can cause "acute telogen effluvium," a kind of hair loss that causes abrupt and noticeable hair loss.

  2. Does stress have an impact on hair loss based on gender?

    Answer:- Both men and women can have hair loss due to stress; however, the particular types and patterns of hair loss may vary by gender.

  3. Can stress induce premature greying of the hair?

    Answer:-  Due to its effect on the cells that produce melanin in hair follicles, persistent stress has been linked to premature greying of hair.

  4. Are there any particular stress-reduction methods particularly good at halting hair loss?

    Answer:- Although there are many stress-reduction strategies, each one's effectiveness might differ from person to person. Finding what works best for you is essential, whether it's counseling, exercise, or meditation.

  5. Are there any indications or symptoms to look for that indicate stress-related hair loss?

    Answer:- Potential warning signals are a significant drop in hair volume, an itchy or sensitive scalp, or more hair in your shower drain or brush. If you suspect stress-related hair loss, consult a healthcare expert for an accurate examination.

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