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Why Arjun Ki Chhaal (Arjuna Bark) Is Nature’s Secret for a Healthy Heart

Dr. Pankaj Mandale 247 Views
Published: 29 Jan 2025
Updated: 29 Jan 2025
Arjuna ki Chhal

Terminalia arjuna, more commonly known as arjuna bark, has been used in Ayurveda since ancient times for the treatment of several ailments. The bark of the arjuna tree is known to possess a large number of bioactive compounds which helps maintain its therapeutic activity. This blog discusses the Arjun ki chhal (arjuna bark) benefits, which shows why arjuna bark should be included in your health regime. 

Health Benefits of Arjun Chhaal

Arjun chhal is enriched with various health benefits. This naturally-occurring substance is used in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional practises. Let’s check out the top Arjun ki chaal (arjuna bark) benefits: 

1. Rich in Antioxidants

The bark of the Arjuna tree is rich in antioxidants which are effective against those free radicals that are responsible for certain chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart diseases. It also plays a role in relieving oxidative stress for better health.

2. Boosts Immunity

If Arjun chhal is consumed on a regular basis, it strengthens the body’s defence mechanism. It contributes to normal immune competence as its therapeutic actions assist in the prevention of infections and other diseases.

3. Reduces Cholesterol

Arjuna bark helps reduce bad cholesterol and increases the level of good cholesterol, which supports a healthy life. Its cardiovascular benefits make it a great component of a heart-friendly regimen.

4. Improves Liver Health

With hepatoprotective properties, Arjuna bark supports liver health by assisting in detoxification and ensuring efficient liver function. The liver is an important organ responsible for most processes in the body, so consuming Arjun chhal can help keep overall health in check. 

5. Supports Heart Health

Traditionally, Arjun chhal remedies are aimed at the cardiovascular system. It is useful in controlling blood pressure, limiting chances of heart failure, and improving heart activity. Ayurvedic treatments recommend this for easing heart blockages.

6. Balances Sugar Levels

The bark of the Arjuna tree helps in maintaining proper sugar levels in the blood for better management of the metabolism. It slows down cell damage caused by protein glycation.

How to Use Arjuna Bark?

There are numerous Arjun ki chhal uses which can be witnessed by having it in the following forms. 

  • Arjuna Bark Tea: Put some dried pieces of Arjuna bark into the water and boil it for a while to make a comforting tea which can be enjoyed on a daily basis.
  • Powdered Form: Mix the Arjuna bark powder with warm water or add to smoothies or other drinks.
  • Capsules: For easier use for most people, it is recommended to take Arjun chhal extract in the form of standardised dietary capsules.

Dosage Guidelines for Terminalia Arjuna

Here are a few guidelines you must follow while consuming Arjuna bark supplements. 

  • Patients older than 18 years of age are usually recommended 500 mg of Terminalia Arjuna taken orally three times a day for not more than three months. 
  • It should be noted that the powder of Arjuna bark may have an effect on the heart and should be adjusted under medical professional supervision. Seeking medical advice is recommended prior to commencing usage.

Potential Side Effects of Arjun ki Chhaal

As a general rule, the use of Arjun ki chhal is mainly recommended for every individual. Still, the advice of a healthcare professional is recommended, especially for those with previous medical conditions or those taking drugs. Outlined below are some side effects to be aware of and pay attention to:

  • Reactions Due To Allergies: Allergy-prone individuals may suffer from allergic reactions after consuming Arjuna bark. It is recommended that a small test be done or a physician be consulted prior to using.
  • Gastrointestinal Distress: Over Consuming Arjun chhal, in powder or tablet forms, may cause gastrointestinal distress characterised by stomach upsets or bloating.
  • Medical Use Aspects: This natural herbal medicine will work alongside other medicines, especially those that regulate blood pressure and treat heart diseases. For this reason, it is essential to consult a doctor prior to taking it.


Arjuna bark is a natural remedy for various health concerns. Arjun ki chhal (arjuna bark) benefits include supporting cardiac function, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels and many more. This makes it a must-have in any health regime. Due to its long history of application in Ayurvedic medicine and broader acceptance in current herbal practices, incorporating Arjuna bark within one's diet can significantly promote one's health.

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