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Tests and Packages

Antenatal Profile

Antenatal Profile

Test Recommended for Male, Female:

NABL approved
Most Trusted by
Accuracy &
timely reporting
Widest Range
of Tests

Frequently asked questions

This test, which is performed during the first trimester of pregnancy, is used to evaluate a pregnant woman's overall health as well as to screen for infectious disorders including HIV, diabetes, thyroid disease, and other genetically transmissible illnesses. The test assists the doctor in ensuring the health of the foetus by looking for any potential issues that could impair its growth and need specialised care.

Whole Blood Count (includes 21 tests) Complete antibody tests for the hepatitis C virus Routine Urinary Examination & Microscopy which includes the following- Color Appearance Odour Urine Glucose - Fasting Urinary Protein Urine for bile salts and bile pigments Urobilinogen Specific Gravity For Urine, Ph Ketone Epithelial cells Casts Crystals Bacteria Yeast cells Others Blood Grouping Ultrasensitive Glucose - Fasting Haemoglobin HPLC/ Electrophoresis HIV 1 and 2 Antibody Rapid Plasma Reagin, Serum Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen

A trained pathology sample collector person (Phlebotomist)/ Technician/ often performs blood tests in a hospital or pathology collection centre.

It normally takes 1 working day for the test results.

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