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Prevent Heart Attacks in Your 20s and 30s: The Shocking Truth About What You Should Be Eating!

Published: 27 Jan 2025
Updated: 27 Jan 2025
Heart attacks

While we are in our 20s and 30s, health concerns are nowhere near the horizon. However, these are the prime years when you should actually be concerned with grooming your health for betterment. 

Especially in India, where a richness of flavours dominates the cuisine, you might find it tough to stick to a healthy diet. Amidst all the festivals and the occasions that pop up now and then, you need to keep a check on your health. This is because the risk of developing cardiac ailments is high with the fast-paced lifestyle and improper diets. 

How to prevent heart attack in your 20s and 30s is a common question among the youth. The good thing is you can prevent a heart attack on time by taking just a few measures and following a balanced diet. To prevent cardiac arrest, alter your diet and include some basics into your meal and you will observe the difference. To help take the right measures, here is an elaborate blog. 

Food to Include and Discard from Your Meal to Prevent a Heart Attack 

Individuals in their 20s and 30s are quite reckless about meals, skipping them, often replacing them with junk or escaping home-cooked meals to processed food items. 

To understand how to prevent cardiac arrest, we have prepared a list of food items that are going to benefit you and ones that you should discard for a healthy life. 

1. Replace Refined Grains With Whole Grains 

Our regular meals include white rice and refined flour but they are often the prime reasons to create an escalation of sugar levels in our blood. Consequently, this increases the level of small LDL( low-density lipoprotein in the blood, which can lead to plaque formation in the arteries. As a result, you'd be prone to cardiac ailments in the long run. To prevent a heart attack, you should rather switch to whole grains like rice, bajra, power, and oats. 

Being rich in fibre, they effectively lower the total cholesterol content in our body and stabilise the overall blood pressure

2. Choose Healthy Fats 

Not all fats are bad for you. There are some that can help to prevent cardiac arrest. Include more olive oil, mustard oil, and groundnut oil in your food. This is because all these contain unsaturated fat which again aids in lowering the cholesterol level in your body. 

You can also purchase items like almonds, flaxseed, walnuts, etc, which are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids essential for the body. 

3. Add Adequate Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet

Consume fruits like guava, pomegranate, and papaya regularly. Also, have vegetables in adequate amounts; you can go for spinach, tomatoes, and bell peppers. Being rich in antioxidants, they promote a healthy heart and prevent cardiac arrest by reducing oxidative stress. Consequently, cell damage and inflammation are also taken care of. 

4. Replace Animal Protein with Lean and Plant-based Protein 

Even our traditional Indian diet comprises several plant-based protein sources like various kinds of lentils, chickpeas, and others. Plant-based proteins sourced from soy and legumes are considered to lower cholesterol levels in the body, which animal proteins often fail to do. 

5. Discard Excess Salt and Sugar 

As we know, salt raises blood pressure levels contributing to various heart ailments. Excessive sugar is also responsible for obesity, diabetes, and, subsequently, heart ailments. To prevent a heart attack, you do not need to remove sugar and salt from your meals completely but you must cut down on the excess content. 

Tips to Prevent a Heart Attack through Proper Diet 

Here are a few quick tips that you can follow to create a healthy diet plan- 

  • Begin your day with a bowl of oats as breakfast, and then include whole-grain chapatis in your meal. 
  • Try to cook your food in mustard oil or olive oil and add an assortment of nuts to whatever snack you are preparing.
  • Include pulses like rajma in your meal and then end it with a bowl of fruits or veggies in your salad.


Preventing heart attack and cardiac ailments is a choice that we make through suitable diets and incorporating a healthy schedule. Pick ingredients for your meals that are rich in fibre and contribute to adding unsaturated fat to your diet.

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